New Grad Business Guide

New Grad Business Guide


A lot of graduates get to the end of their degree and become quickly overwhelmed and feel a little bit lost when it comes to the endless amount of things they need to do to set their business up to enable them to start seeing clients. That’s where we come in. We’ve literally been where you are right now. However we didn’t have a handy step-by-step guide directing us along the way. Instead, we spent hours upon hours and literally weeks upon weeks stumbling our way through the initial set up of our businesses. Through this process we thought surely there has to be some form of guide to help us through, but unfortunately there wasn’t. So, we decided to create one ourselves to ensure you don’t have to feel as lost and overwhelmed as we did.

This is a step-by-step guide, in order of priority, of exactly what we recommend you do to set your business up for success in a streamlined manner from the moment you graduate! If you have not yet graduated, don’t let that deter you as a number of these steps can be completed prior to graduation! By starting your business set up prior to graduation, this will reduce the amount of set up tasks you need to do once you have completed your studies and help with reducing the overwhelm.

After purchasing you will receive a secure link to the file that will last for 24 hours after the first download, so be sure to save the file once you download as the link will expire.

Shayne and Toni xo

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